Being Pregnant After 35- Conceivable With Healthy Women

As the common byword goes-“Age is just a number”. But in context to getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy, it actually matters. However, there is nothing to worry about as many women who do get pregnant after age 35 have healthy babies. If you take smart and meaningful steps to boost your health then conceiving after the age of 35 is easily possible.

Risks Factors Associated with Advanced Age
The biological clock is a universal truth, but there’s nothing miraculous about age 35. It’s commonly an age at which different risks become more consultation worthy. For instance:
1. Getting pregnant might takes a long time: As you reach mid- to late 30s, your eggs decline in both quantity and quality. Also, elder women’s eggs aren’t impregnated as conveniently as younger women’s eggs. If you are older than age 35 and haven’t been able to conceive for six months, consult your doctor for the right advice.
2. Higher chances to develop gestational diabetes: This category of diabetes, which arises only during pregnancy, is more prevalent in women of older age. Maintaining optimal blood sugar through right nutrition and physical exercise is important. Occasionally medication is required too. Gestational diabetes can also enhance the risk of premature birth and high blood pressure during pregnancy.
3. Higher risk of pregnancy loss: As you get older, the risk of pregnancy loss — by miscarriage and stillbirth — increases. This is because of pre-existing medical conditions or fetal chromosomal abnormalities. Studies advise that the decline in the quality of your eggs, combined with a higher risk of chronic medical conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes, could elevate your risk of miscarriage.
4. Your Husband’s Age also becomes a Limiting Factor: Women aged 35 to 39 with likewise aged partners had a conception rate of 29 % according to one study. But, if their male partner was five years older, the success rate declined to 18 %. Healthy Living to Boost Your Odds of Conception

Though tempting, don’t assume your age is the only reason you’re not conceiving quickly. Lifestyle choices such as smoking, drinking, caffeine consumption, lack of exercise- all contribute to poor fertility health. We have listed a few lifestyle modifications that can help maintain good reproductive health:
• Quit smoking
• Reduce your caffeine consumption
• Keep a check on weight: you should neither be under nor overweight
• Avoid refined sugar, flours and fried food
• Cut down on alcohol consumption

It’s true that these healthy habits can decrease the rate of fertility decline but age-related fertility drops may still happen in the body. Therefore, it’s always good to get fertility tests done after six months of trying. If there are fertility issues found, you will be more likely to have success in treating it sooner than later. If there are no noticeable fertility problems, your fertility expert may advise you to continue trying to conceive naturally for another few months, and come back if you still don’t get pregnant. In addition, when looking at pregnancy success rates for fertility drugs, or for fertility procedures like IUI or IVF, keep in mind that age and cause of infertility matters. Your chances of achieving pregnancy with IUI treatment at age 27 are higher than when you’re 37.

“A word from Jannee Fertility Centre”
Try to live a healthy lifestyle, be sure to see your doctor for an overall wellness check, and if you don’t get pregnant after six months of trying, talk to your gynaecologist or IVF specialist.

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  • There can't be a fertility and gynae clinic better than Jannee. Even minutest of problems were taken care of with concern and caution. It was a wonderful experience. I hope to see Dr. Bhasin and the staff of Jannee very soon again.
  • Me and my husband were counselled so well for all treatment options here. At every step we knew the details and felt confident.
  • My dream of becoming a mother was fulfilled at Jannee. I am indebted for life to this clinic and the doctor.
    Menka Kamboj
  • Before I had my baby girl on Jannee, I battled PCOD for 3 long years with the assistance of Dr. Nirmal Bhasin. During my treatment, Dr. Nirmal was my sounding board, ensuring that I did not panic and that I understood each procedure carefully before it was performed. Conceiving with PCOD was a difficult and emotional process, but at Jannee Fertility Centre, I braved my way through it all.

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