Male infertility is on an alarming rise in India due to varying lifestyles, extreme stress, environ-mental and behavioral problems, hormonal imbalances, genetic disorders and psychological issues. Dr. Nirmal Bhasin Consultant & Director of Jannee Fertility Centre was actively involved in the research on male infertility factors. She is also Vice chairperson ISAR Chandigarh chapter & Executive. member in IMA Chandigarh). Few tips to boost fertility and sperm quality:
Lead a healthy lifestyle: Unhealthy lifestyle practices harm your overall health, including fertility.
Lose excess weight: Overweightness is related with infertility. If you are infertile and obese, weight loss should be one of your top goals.
Limit your alcohol intake: Avoid heavy alcohol consumption, as it may reduce testosterone levels and impair semen quality.
Get enough folate: Studies indicate that a low intake of folate may impair semen quality.
Get adequate sleep: Getting adequate sleep is vital to maintaining your health. Restricted or excessive sleep has also been linked to poor semen quality.
Snack on walnuts: Eating a lot of antioxidant-rich foods, such as walnuts, seems to benefit fertility. IVF IVF Treatment
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